King Midas
Los 1467
PHRYGIA. Prymnessus. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion (Bronze, 23 mm, 6.81 g, 7 h), time of Gallienus, 253-268. MIΔAC BACIΛЄYC Draped and cuirassed bust of King Midas to right, wearing Phrygian cap decorated with stars. Rev. ΠPYMNHCCIЄΩN (sic!) Dikaiosyne standing front, head to left, holding scales in her right hand and grain ears in her left. SNG Copenhagen 663 corr. (same dies, but I in reverse legend overlooked). SNG von Aulock 3938 var. (differing reverse legend). Von Aulock, Phrygien II, 962-967 (same dies). Rare. A beautiful example of this interesting issue with a very attractive dark olive green patina. Minor areas of weakness, otherwise, about extremely fine.

The obverse of this coin shows us the Phrygian King Midas, who is best known for his 'Golden Touch': when Midas was offered a reward of his choice by Dionysos for his hospitable treatment of the god's drunken foster father Silenos, the greedy King wished for everything he touched to be turned into gold. However, Midas soon realized that the divine gift was in fact a curse, as he was now unable to eat or drink. Starving and dying of thirst, he beseeched Dionysos: ‘Father Lenaios, forgive me! We have sinned. But have pity on me, I beg you, and save me from this costly evil!’ (Ovid met. XI, 133.4). The merciful god forgave the King, and he ordered him to wash himself in the spring of the Paktolos to hand the divine power over to the river, which thus explained its richness of alluvial gold that was used to strike the early Lydian electrum coinage
750 CHF
600 CHF
900 CHF
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